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English Study/영어 패자부활전

connecting the dots -Steve Jobs You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. - Steve Jobs 더보기
'세 살 버릇 여든까지 간다'...영어로는 ? A habit fixed at three years continues till eighty... What's learned in the cradle is carried to the grave..... 요람에서 배운것을 무덤까지 가져간다... 더보기
고색창연(古色蒼然)... venerable, antique 첨단을 달린다고 다 좋은 것은 아니다.옛것이라고 새롭지 않은 것은 아니다. 때로는 구관이 명관일 때가 있고... Not all is well with the cutting edge.Old things are not always obsolete. Sometimes, its better the devil you know. 더보기
고진감래(苦盡甘來)... No pain, No gain... 고생 끝에 즐거움이 온다는 말이다.사는 게 다 그런 것 같다... 수고와 노력 끝에 즐거운 성취가 있다.꼭 즐겁다고 할 수는 없지만 의미 있는 교훈이 있다. I mean, after all the hard work, joy comes.I think life is like that ... After hard work and effort, there is a pleasant achievement.I don't necessarily think it's fun, it has a meaningful lesson. 더보기
격세지감(隔世之感)... Things have really changed ! 세상은 변하고 또 변한다.그 변함을 현실로 받아들였을 때 외친다. 완전 다른 세상이야... 이게 바로 ‘격세지감(隔世之感)’ 아닐까? The world changes and changes.Cry when the changes are accepted as reality It's a totally different world ... Isn't this... “Things have really changed” ? 더보기
학수고대(鶴首苦待)... wait for this for a long time... 갈망하여(longing for) 오래 기다린다. 기다림 끝에 얻은 열매는 고통을 잊게 하는 특유의 맛이 있다.하지만 쉽게 얻은 열매는 금방 질리게 마련이다.왜냐하면 수고의 땀방울이 담겨있지 않기 때문이다... The fruit obtained at the end of the wait has a peculiar flavor that makes pain forget. But fruit that is easily obtained is bound to get bored soon. Because it contains no sweat of hard work ... 아름다운 열매를 맺기 위해 기다리자.. 그리고 그것을 얻었을 때 이렇게 말해보자. I've waited for this for a long time. 더보기
주경야독 (晝耕夜讀) - farming by day and studying by night 낮에 일하고 밤에 공부한다... 는 의미의 ""주경야독 (晝耕夜讀)""을 영어로 표현하면... farming by day and studying by night 이다... --------------------- He finally got his college degree after seven years of working during the day and studying at night. He finally got his college degree after seven years of working by day and studying by night. 더보기
Welcome to the Korean Modern History Trail. (Jeong-dong) Welcome to the Korean Modern History Trail.I think it's a nice to walk today.This is a village called Jeong-dong. In the next two hours, you will be walking around Jeong-dong and along traces of history. You will see the site of modern Korean history. Jung Dong-dong was a place where foreign embassies were concentrated 100 years ago. Western culture and education spread throughout Korea through .. 더보기
Seoul was called Hanyang during the Joseon Dynasty. Seoul was called Hanyang during the Joseon Dynasty. During the Japanese colonial era, it was called Gyeongseong. In 1897, when the Korean Empire was proclaimed, there were people called Hwangseong, meaning that the emperor lived in Seoul until 1910. Although Seoul has been the capital and central city of the country for over 600 years, many modern cultural heritages have disappeared in turbulent.. 더보기
Cheil Jedang's Sugar in Korea Since liberation, Korea received massive supplies of official aid from the United Nations. The United States joined aiding Korea more actively as the “Truman-Doctrine” was announced by President Harry. S. Truman which aimed to support countries preventing communist propaganda from spreading. Although the doctrine itself was focused on... Korea was also considered as there were continues belief t.. 더보기