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English Study

When cold winter... The middle of winter... Rime, a coating of ice, provides interest... It is so routine to Chuncheon citizen. But ... Outsiders feels amazing. 더보기
A tray above the lake When I think of Chuncheon ... It's water...Chuncheon has a lot of water..Chuncheon is a city of water...To metaphorical expression, a tray above the lake 더보기
Korean miner & nurse 163 Korean miners and nurses went to West Germany for work in Dec 1963.In those day, Korea didn't have direct flights to europe and so they had to board a plane in other country. Miners had to work below 1,000 meters underground.Nurses could not speak German. At first, they clean the corpse and refurbish the dentures. It was the beginning of their, poor korean, German life. They live diligently .. 더보기
CSR and Appropriate Technology It is not special that the companies are pursing 'economic value' and 'social value' through CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility) at the same time. Current CSR activities are changing rapidly. CSR has emerged as a field to create new opportunities beyond sustainable growth. Professor Michael Porter, Harvard Business School, is urged to switch recognition about CSR. First of all, He presents CSV(.. 더보기
Mark 1:6~8 (NIV) 6 John wore clothing made of camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey. 7 And this was his message: “After me comes the one more powerful than I, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. 8 I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” 더보기
Prof. Yunus said... The world is changing very fast. And we want to take advantage of that speed; speed not in the direction of destruction, not in the direction of hopelessness. Speed to build a new structure which will give us a new ability to let the world rise" - Prof. Yunus 더보기
There are two gifts. There are two gifts We should give our children. One is root. and the other is wings 더보기
The B Team The B Team will be a group of global business leaders who share similar views about the need to transform the future of business and use entrepreneurial skills to help solve critical social and environmental issues. 더보기
The whole nine yards The phrase the whole nine yards means completely, the whole thing, everything Let me go for the whole nine yards. She is dressed to the nines. Cat has nine livescloud lineThe singer will be nine day wonder 더보기
I've got butterflies in my stomach I've got butterflies in my stomach초조하고 긴장감을 느낀다.... 나비는 아름다운 생명체로 묘사되지만, 서양에서는 나비가 무리를 지어 한꺼번에 날아오는 것을 악마의 환생으로 여겨 두려운 존재로 받아들인다고 합니다. 그래서 butterflies라는 복수형 단어는 두려운 마음에서 나타나는 초조감을 의미합니다. 어떤 사람의 'stomach(배)'에 두려운 'butterflies'가 들어가 있으니, 그 사람의 기분이 어떨지는 미뤄 짐작할 수 있습니다. 즉, 'butterflies in one's stomach'는 어떤 행사나 일이 다가오면서 초조함, 두려움, 긴장감이 느껴지는 불안한 상태를 말합니다. [예문] On the stage, there were butterflies in he.. 더보기