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English Study/English News

The Silent Collapse: South Korea’s Birthrate Crisis A recent report announced a rise in South Korea’s birthrate for the first time in nine years. For a nation grappling with record-low fertility rates, this might seem like a promising development. However, before celebrating, we must take a broader look at the situation. The slight increase in births last year is likely an aftereffect of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many couples postponed marriage and .. 더보기
중국의 무자비한 행동 (China’s ruthless actions) 최근 탈북자들(North Korean defectors)을 중국 국경 내에 구금한 후(after detaining) 강제로 송환(forcibly repatriating)하는 중국의 충격적인 행태(disturbing practice) 대한 보도가 잇따르고 있다. 한 탈북자 단체는 지난 4월 26일 중국 북부 지린성에서 체포된(be apprehended) 탈북자 200여 명이 북한으로 강제 송환(sent back)됐다고 밝혔다. 자유아시아방송(RFA)는 중국 투먼과 훈춘 지역에서 체포된 최대 60명(up to 60)의 북한 주민들이 북한 접경 도시(a city bordering the North Korea)인 단둥에서도 비슷한 운명(a similar fate)을 겪었다고 보도했다. 언론은 또한 탈북자들이 모.. 더보기
The challenges we face today The challenges we face today, such as climate changes, energy supply, growing ineqaulities, global poverty, migration, food crisis, water stress, resource scarcity and conflicts, are interlinked. 더보기
Expensive cosmetics, worth it? By Kim Rahn Anti-ageing products and other high-end cosmetics are selling extremely well. Regardless of the efficacy of such luxury brands, a growing number of consumers are attracted to the products, apparently tempted by glossy TV and magazine commercials. With the growing popularity of pricey items, the cost to become more beautiful is rising amid consumer hopes that cosmetics goods will deli.. 더보기