CSR and Appropriate Technology
It is not special that the companies are pursing 'economic value' and 'social value' through CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility) at the same time. Current CSR activities are changing rapidly. CSR has emerged as a field to create new opportunities beyond sustainable growth.
Professor Michael Porter, Harvard Business School, is urged to switch recognition about CSR. First of all, He presents CSV(Creating Shared Value) to think of CSR as an investment rather than cost. CSV can be implemented with Appropriate technology to contribute to the promotion of the welfare underdeveloped countries. Appropriate technology is the field oriented way to solve social problems and complement weakness of short-term and long-term development activities.
Michael Porter insist on 3 levels of CSV : "Reconceiving customer, products and markets", "Redefining productivity in the value chain", "Enabling local cluster devlopment". 3 levels can be applied equally in Appropriate technology. CSV is at the intersection of 'economic value' and 'social value'. Companies can create share value through social contribution program linkes Appropriate technology with local government, NGO and social enterprise.