My Story

Sleepless in New York. (2001. 8. 19)

유니브랜딩 2012. 9. 21. 10:21

Hello I'm byung-kil.

Here is in New york.


We, Josha Team having a good  time after leadership school public program.

All of  joshua team  thanks for God's grace during US outreach.


We think that Main team of outreach had arrival seoul a few hours ago.

and falling a deeply sleep.


As fast as possible overcome jet lag.


Josha Team will go to another outreach after have a sunday worship service at arumdaun church.


Please Pray for our team ... Health.  Security and some...


We will  report our news thru E-mail whenever have a chance.


Expect our dynamic story ...


2001. 8. 18  New York.